Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2011


Bubble Tea.

Trinkt ihr auch gerne Bubble Tea? Ich hab mir heute Kiwi Tea (blabla noch was haha) geholt. Und die Schwarzen Bubbles. Ich mag die Fruchtdinger die zerplatzen irgendwie nicht. Meins hat einfach wie kalter schwarzer Tee geschmeckt. Schießt ihr eigentlich auch immer die Bubbles mit dem Strohhalm?xD

GaGa News.

Billboard 2011 Year End Chart

Das Jahr 2011 neigt sich langsam dem ende zu. Deshalb hat das Billboard Magazin wieder die Jahres End-Charts aufgestellt. In diesen ist Lady Gaga auch dieses Jahr wieder sehr oft vertreten. Um genauer zu sein ganze 25 mal. Alle Rankings findet ihr hier:
– No. 1 in the Dance/Electronic Albums of 2011;
– No. 2 in the Digital Albums Artists chart;
– No. 3 in the Billboard 200 Albums chart;
– No. 3 in the Digital Albums chart;

– No. 9 in the Digital Songs chart with Born This Way;
– No. 15 in the Adult Pop Songs chart with The Edge of Glory;
– No. 17 in the Adult Contemporary Music chart with The Edge of Glory;
– No. 18 in the Hot 100 Songs chart with Born This Way;
– No. 21 in the Pop Songs chart with The Edge of Glory;
– No. 23 in the Radio Songs chart with The Edge of Glory;

– No. 1 in the Dance/Electronic Albums Artists chart;
– No. 2 in the Special 50 Artists chart;
– No. 2 in the Dance/Club Artists chart;
– No. 4 in the Top Artist of 2011 chart;
– No. 4 in the Billboard 200 Artists chart;
– No. 5 in the Pop Songs Artists chart;
– No. 6 in the Hot 100 Artists;
– No. 6 in the Digital Songs Artists chart;
– No. 8 in the Adult Pop Songs chart;
– No. 10 in the Radio Songs Artists chart;

– Tony Bennett’s album is no. 1 in the Jazz Albums chart;
– Born This Way is no. 3 in the Japan Hot 100 chart;
– Born This Way is no. 3 in the Canadian Hot 100 Albums chart;
– Lady Gaga is no. 4 in the Canadian Hot 100 Artists chart;
– Born This Way is no. 6 in the Canadian Hot 100 chart.